Chestnuts Roasted with Sugar
When autumn and winter come, the chestnut roasted with sugar is a delicacy right for the seasons. Here is the recipe. Select superior chestnuts. Put them in a pan with coarse sand and syrup in it. Then stir-fry them. The chestnut roasted with sugar looks nigger-brown and shimmers with oil. Its brittle husk shells easily, and its fruit tastes sweet and delicious.
Of all chestnuts, those from Tianjin, also called Ganli, enjoy the best reputation. They are well-known both at home and abroad. Put sand in an iron cauldron and fry it with maltose on a fire. Then put chestnuts into the cauldron and stir-fry them. The husk of thoroughly cooked chestnuts turns reddish brown. After the husk is ridded, the fruit is soft, sweet and delicious, thus making the chestnut roasted with sugar a special snack. 
当秋冬季节来临时,糖炒栗子就成了特地为这个季节准备的美味。下面是烹制方法。选一些上等的栗子,放入锅中,再加入一些粗砂和糖浆。然后用大火翻炒。这些和糖一起翻炒的栗子看起来呈深棕色并且油光闪闪。它的壳很容易去掉,而且果仁儿又香又甜。 在众多的栗子当中,还是要数天津的甘栗最为有名。天津甘栗在国内外都颇有名气。先把沙子放入大铁锅中和麦芽糖一起翻炒。然后再加入栗子一起翻炒。完全炒熟的栗子会呈现出深棕色。当壳去掉后,果仁不仅软,而且又香又甜。因此糖炒栗子就成了很特别的小吃。