Steamed Carp in Egg Custard, Beijing-Hebei Style
1 whole carp, about 3/4 lb (350g), with head and tail (substitute trout or other firm-flesh freshwater fish) 1 oz (30 ml) clear stock 1 tsp soy sauce 2 tsp sesame oil 4 eggs 1/2 tsp scallions, chopped 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste 1/2 tsp ginger, chopped 1 tbsp rice wine 1 tsp MSG
1. Clean and wash the fish. Blanch in boiling water and drain.
2. Beat the eggs in a heat-proof bowl and stir in the salt, rice wine, MSG, 4 tsp of the stock and mix well. Place fish in the bowl with the egg mixture. Place the bowl in a steamer and steam for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the custard is set.
3. Mix the soy sauce, sesame oil, the remaining 2 tsp of the stock, the scallions, and the ginger into a sauce. Pour over the fish and serve.
1、鲤鱼一条,大约350克重,带头和尾 (可以用鲑鱼和其他的淡水鱼来替代) 2、30毫升高汤 3、一勺酱油 4、两勺香油 5、四个鸡蛋 6、半勺葱花 7、半勺盐或者根据自己的口味添加 8、半勺碎姜片 9、一勺米酒 10、一勺味精