Creamy Tomatoes, Hangzhou Style
9 oz (250 g) tomatoes 2 tbsp cornstarch (cornflour) 3 1/2 fl oz (100 ml) milk 2 tsp melted chicken fat 2 tsp salt, or to taste 1/4 tsp MSG
1. Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds. Cut in half, squeeze out the seeds, and peel. Cut into six thin slices each and set aside.
2. Mix the milk, MSG, salt, and cornflour into a thick sauce.
3. Bring 5 oz (150 ml) of water to a boil in a pot or wok. Add the tomato slices and the sauce. Cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens. Sprinkle with the chicken fat and serve.
1、250克番茄 2、2汤匙玉米淀粉 3、100毫升牛奶 4、两勺溶解的鸡油 5、两勺盐或者根据自己的口味添加 6、四分之一勺味精
1、 把番茄放入开水中浸30秒,然后切成两半,挤出籽,削掉皮,再切成相同大小的六小片后,放置一边。
2、 把牛奶、味精、盐和玉米淀粉混合成浓稠的调味酱。
3、 在锅里或者壶里烧150毫升开水,然后加入番茄片和调味酱。再继续搅拌加工,直至调味酱变稠为止,最后撒上鸡油就可以享用了。